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Survivor Stories: Brandice Griffin

Survivor Stories: Brandice Griffin

Brandice Griffin

In January 2022, my world changed with a breast cancer diagnosis. Determined to fight, I began 16 rounds of chemotherapy in March, followed by a double mastectomy, reconstructive surgery, and 33 rounds of radiation, finishing in November 2022.

My advice: educate yourself about your diagnosis and treatment, trust your medical team, and get a second opinion if needed. Lean on other survivors—they’re heroes and a vital source of support.

Throughout my journey, I was overwhelmed by the love and generosity from friends, family, and my community. We were surrounded by prayer, on countless prayer lists from churches and groups. It was incredible to feel so loved during such a scary time.

Every cancer journey is unique. My goal was to stay positive and beat this disease, knowing I’d come out stronger. My positive outlook helped reassure those around me, especially my young children. I wanted them to see my strength and know I’d be okay.

In our house, we say, “Some things in life stink.” This stinks, but we’ll get through it and celebrate on the other side. I’m forever grateful to be on this side, and I’ll celebrate every minute of it!

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